“Jaunmāliņi” mobile sauna and hot tub

For well-being

“Jaunmāliņi” offers to rent a mobile sauna and hot tub, delivery to the place of your choice, to make your recreation special and take care of your well-being.

Mobile sauna

Barrel sauna with window.

24-hour rental prices for a sauna:

Working days – 50 €

Weekends – 60  €

Holidays (Easter, Līgo, Christmas, National holidays) – 80  €

Mobile hot tub

A hot tub with an external oven – fired with dry firewood. Intended for 8 persons. There is LED lighting, different color tones can be changed, the tub has both hydro and aero massage, cup holder.

24-hour rental prices for a portable hot tub:

Monday-Thursday 50 €

Weekends €60

On holidays 80 €

Delivery costs – upon agreement.